Tuples in Nim are sets of (optionally named) fields. | |
Wrap values in parantheses to construct a tuple. |
let mix = ("first", 15, true, 'a')
echo mix
For tuples with anonymous (unnamed) fields, the fields can be accessed by index. |
echo mix[0]
echo mix[2]
Tuples are usually more useful when their fields are named. |
let car = (color: "red", age: 17)
echo car
Tuple fields can then be accessed by name instead of by index. |
echo car[0], " == ", car.color
echo car.age
If tuple only defines (anonymous) fields, any tuple with the same field types will match. |
var pair: (string, string)
pair = ("Bob", "Jim")
Using tuple with named fields in place of an anonymous tuple will lose the field names. |
pair = (first: "Alice", second: "Jane")
echo pair
# will not work:
# pair.first
Tuple type definition can also explicitly define field names.
Syntax in this case uses the tuple keyword.
var named_pair: tuple[first: string, second: string]
named_pair = (first: "Bob", second: "Jim")
An anonymous tuple can be used in place of a tuple with named fields, as long as field types match. |
named_pair = ("Bob", "Jim")
echo named_pair.first, " == Bob"
However for tuples with named fields, field names should match. |
# will not work:
# named_pair = (primary: "Alice", secondary: "Jane")
Procedures can return multiple values by declaring a tuple as a return type. |
proc two_numbers(): (int, int) =
return (7, 3)
When calling a procedure that returns a tuple, its result can be unpacked.
Fields we don't need can be ignored with underscore (_ ).
let (_, two) = two_numbers()
echo two
We can define a tuple as a new type. |
type Car = tuple
color: string
age: int
Type Car now essentialy works as an alias for type tuple[color: string, age: int] .
var c1: tuple[color: string, age: int] = ("blue", 9)
var c2: Car = c1
echo c1, c2
When tuple is reassigned, a copy of a tuple (and its fields) is made. |
inc c2.age echo c1, c2 |
$ nim c -r tuples.nim ("first", 15, true, 'a') first true (color: "red", age: 17) red == red 17 ("Alice", "Jane") Bob == Bob 3 (color: "blue", age: 9)(color: "blue", age: 9) (color: "blue", age: 9)(color: "blue", age: 10) |
Previously: Procedures (contd.)
Next up: Objects