As you might have noticed in some previous examples,
reassigning a Table , tuple or object will create a copy of
it and its containing values.
When working with references instead of with values is needed,
The ref keyword can be used.
This declares a variable as a reference to an int .
var ref1: ref int
A declared, but unassigned variable of reference type will hold nil .
echo "ref1 is nil? ", isNil ref1
To create a reference, use the new proc.
The actual value of the reference will be zero-valued.
var ref2 =
echo "ref2 is nil? ", isNil ref2
When required, a reference can be de-referenced with [] operator.
echo ref2[]
ref2[] = 5
echo ref2[]
Trying to de-reference a nil reference will cause a crash.
Use isNil proc to check if reference points to a valid value.
if not isNil ref1:
echo ref1[]
echo "ref1 is nil!"
An object type can be defined as reference-based by declaring it as ref object .
type CatRef = ref object
name: string
let c1 = CatRef(name: "Mittens")
When accessing object fields, de-referencing is not required (it is done implicitly). |
echo c1[].name, " == ",
Since the type is reference-based, reassignment will not make a copy of the object (contrary to value-based types). |
let c2 = c1 = "Kitty"
echo c1[], c2[]
Here, we define a new object type Person , and a new object type PersonRef ,
which is just a reference to the Person object.
type Person = object
name: string
type PersonRef = ref Person
let per_ref = PersonRef(name: "Bob")
echo per_ref[]
PersonRef type can now be de-referenced to Person type.
var per1: Person = per_ref[]
Assigning a de-referenced object will make a copy of it (de-referenced object modification does not modify reference's object). |
var per2: Person = per_ref[] = "Alice" = "Mary" = "Jane"
echo per_ref[], per1, per2
$ nim c -r references.nim ref1 is nil? true ref2 is nil? false 0 5 ref1 is nil! Mittens == Mittens (name: "Kitty")(name: "Kitty") (name: "Bob") (name: "Alice")(name: "Mary")(name: "Jane") |
Previously: Objects