Nim by Example: If/Else

A standard way to branch control flow is to use an if statement.
A simple if statement.
let x = 10
if x == 10:
    echo "x is 10"
The other side of the if branch is else.
let y = 11
if y == 10:
    echo "y is 10"
    echo "y is not 10"
Multiple branches can be specified by using elif between first if and the final else.
let name = "Mark"
if name == "Mark":
    echo "Oh, hi Mark."
elif name == "Bob":
    echo "What's up, Bob."
elif name == "Jane":
    echo "Hi, Jane."
    echo "Hello there."
if can also be used as an expression (i.e. performing a ternary operation).
let is_ok = if true: "ok" else: "not ok"
echo is_ok
Conditions can be wrapped in parantheses.
let i = 5
if (i > 5 and i < 10):
    echo "i is between 5 and 10"
Variables can be defined before the condition. Scope of the variable is limited to the branch it was declared in.
if (let j = 7; j < 5):
    echo "j in scope: ", j
elif (let k = 8; k < 5):
    echo "j not in scope, k in scope: ", k
    echo "neither j nor k in scope"
$ nim c -r if_else.nim
x is 10
y is not 10
Oh, hi Mark.
neither j nor k in scope

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Next up: Case